E3 has now passed, but to keep our news in order, we dissect the second Fire Emblem: If (Japan) trailer!
Intro :00
Discussing the features announced in the second Fire Emblem: If trailer in Japan :48
There are many new and unique features to expect in Fire Emblem: If. It also has its English name: Fire Emblem: Fates!
Rumored Pokemon Wii U Game 9:43
Keep in mind that this was recorded before E3, so this is news on a Pokemon game that was rumored, but wasn’t announced. That still doesn’t mean that it won’t happen, though.
Explaining Xenoblade Chronicles X’s Customization Options 11:36
Our Thoughts on Splatoon 12:26
Close 13:47
Our theme music is “Presenterator” by Kevin Mcleod, courtesy of Incompetech.com. If you would like to comment on the show e-mail us at comments(at)nintendoteens.com or join our forum discussions at www.nintendoteens.com/forums.